Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 32

Society will crumble

Society will crumble

All those tiny social rules are so easy to mess up, yet can mean life or death.


See more of Turkey France Norway Denmark Sweden
3rd of November

Halloween 2015

Halloween 2015

Once again Halloween is upon us, and I'll never pass up an opportunity to draw these guys in costumes.

Denmark's costume is a reference to last week's comic.


See more of Norway Sweden America Iceland Finland Denmark
28th of October
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Zombie Zoo

Zombie Zoo

Children are considered pretty sturdy up here in the North.

During the whole giraffe debate my Faroese housemate was like "I don't see why people are so offended by children seeing an anatomy lesson. On the Faroe Islands school children are shown how to kill a sheep"


See more of Faroe Islands America Denmark
21st of October

Adult kindergarteners

Adult kindergarteners

Even though Sweden and Denmark fought a lot over Norway, Norway was sometimes also just used as an excuse to fight.

Swedes and Danes gotta fight, and Norway made it easier, okay? That's one of the reasons Swedes and Danes aren't as pissed at each other anymore. After Norway broke free from both of us, we couldn't come up with proper excuses to beat the shit out of each other.


See more of Norway Sweden Denmark
14th of October

Home protection

Home protection

We've been watching a lot of border control TV in this house.


See more of England India America Mexico Australia China
6th of October
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Children will love it

Children will love it

Yes, those are mascots from a real Danish theme park. The infamous BonBon Land. Here's a link to a YouTube video

The park has many many mascots, but it's these more sexual ones that make the biggest impact on tourists. I went there several times as a kid (the park is mostly for children) and I remember not really thinking about the raunchy animals.


See more of America Denmark
29th of September

Don't let the sun catch ya

Don't let the sun catch ya

The facekini was invented as protection against the many jellyfish along the Chinese coast, but the women quickly learned that is was also excellent for not getting a tan. Light colored skin has traditionally been considered the prettiest in large parts of Asia, so the facekini was godsend for women who wanted to stay traditionally pretty while also enjoying trips to the beach.

Today facekinis are mostly used by the older generations. Younger Chinese people don't get the hoha about light skin.


See more of China Sister China
21st of September

Looking for a new home

Looking for a new home

Denmark is not handling the refugee saturation super well but luckily Sweden is a bro about it.


See more of Syria Sweden Denmark
15th of September

Smile and wave

Smile and wave

Few people know what to do with their arms when they're talking in front of a group, but the Swedes are notoriously bad at it.

Professionals who teach Swedes what to do with their arms have good job security, lets put it like that.


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark
8th of September

Fishy Situation

Fishy Situation

Norway is the only one fighting back here because, quite frankly, the rest of us Scandinavians were scared little babies during WWII.


See more of Norway Sweden Germany Denmark
1st of September