Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 52

Royal Wedding

Royal Wedding

The English are exited about the wedding for all the wrong reasons. :XD:


See more of England America Canada
30th of April

Well Endowned

Well Endowned

This is a joke on the Scandinavian state flags.
Sweden’s state flag
Norway’s state flag
Denmark’s state flag

Poor Denmark isn’t quite as well equipped as his friends. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway
23rd of March
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Don't Panic

Don't Panic

Everybody but Japan seem to be panicking about the earthquake. I was watching the news and the anchorman asked, “So how are the Japanese people and government taking it? Has there been any panic or chaos?” two which the reporter answered, “.....No. Not really” :XD:


See more of Japan Europe Europe America
12th of March

No Beer Left

No Beer Left

A silly idea I got at OkashiiCon. :XD:


See more of Denmark Sweden
9th of March

How to keep friends

How to keep friends

New guy is Austria. The silly mad scientist of the world. :D

Anyway, Denmark tying himself to Sweden and Germany is a joke on Denmark first building a bridge to Sweden, then deciding to build yet another bridge to Sweden, and now also a tunnel to Germany which he is already connected to by land. He is so freaking afraid of his neighbours leaving him. :XD:


See more of Sweden Denmark Germany Austria
26th of February
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Mean Names

Mean Names

The head-thing Norway and Denmark are doing is a replacement for hugging, because hugs look so awkward with their tiny bodies and giant heads.

Anyway, I was talking with a fellow Dane about the various mean names Scandinavians have given each other, and we realised that for some odd reason the Danes never came up with a name for their nemesis, the Swedes. We therefore came to the conclusion that “Swedes” was considered a sufficiently mean word in itself. :XD:


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark
23rd of February

Your time is up

Your time is up

Based on a joke within Europe that while other European countries change leaders on a regular basis, Italian leaders will try to stay in power until the day they rot away. :XD:

The new guy at the bottom is Spain. :D


See more of Germany Sweden France Italy Spain
19th of February

Nuclear Power

Nuclear Power

Ever since I saw this I’ve imagined Sweden to be crawling with video-game styled mutants. :XD:


See more of Sweden Denmark Norway
14th of February



Svalbard is the Norwegians’ favourite island, and a place where people are required to carry guns because of the large number of polar bears living there.

Sweden and Denmark trying to shoot each other is of course another joke on them holding the world record for most wars fought between them.

I came up three different ways it could go wrong when hading these guys weapons. I’ll probably draw them some day.


See more of Norway Denmark Sweden Svalbard
1st of February

Judgement Day

Judgement Day

At the moment Denmark is being sued for handing over war-prisoners to USA. Denmark claims it did not know USA used torture.

Denmark have been kissing up to USA a lot since the war started, to a point where Denmark have lost more soldiers per capita than any other country (Obviously USA have lost the most soldiers overall).

He just really really wants a big strong friend...:(


See more of America Denmark Sweden Norway
24th of January