Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 47

Have a sit down

Have a sit down

I've been told it's rude to stand up and pee in normal toilets in Germany. Don't know if it's true, but I couldn't resist the good old "sitting on the urinal" joke.


See more of Germany
16th of November

Best Guy Wins

Best Guy Wins

You know it'll happen. XD

And illustation of a joke made as a response to my tweet about the election.


See more of America
5th of November
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Golden Dawn

Golden Dawn

Paris was very beautiful, but the smell of urine just saturated the place. When I talked about it on the internet a few people responded with, "Even the airport smells like pee :C"
I have no idea what the Frenchmen are up to at night, but it must be fun. XD

Technically the flag on Brother France should be mirrored because we see him from the back, but no doubt people wouldn't notice and keep asking me why it was the wrong way.


See more of France Sweden Denmark Norway
20th of October

All Work and No Play

All Work and No Play

After the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 the Scandinavian countries took good care of the Hungarian refugees, and the Hungarians were so grateful for all the help that they worked extra hard and only had short breaks so they could pay the Scandinavians back. Unfortunately it made the other workers look bad, so it had to be explained to them that they had to rest more and relax a bit. The Hungarians were amazed that they were told to just sit around and eat food and drink beer and thought they had gone to heaven. XD

I asked a Hungarian what the Hungarians stereotypically looked like, and he said, "He should have an impressive moustache! We are famous for our mustaches!" so that us why he ended up like this.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Hungary
16th of October



Oh, get a room you two!

America is super popular in Japan, and Japan is super popular in America, though most everyday people in either country don't know this.

I talked to a Japanese woman who told me that when she went to USA everything felt so familiar because they watched so many American movies in Japan and she almost felt at home, but when she went to Europe she had no idea what to do with herself.


See more of America Japan
8th of October
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Size matters

Size matters

I wasn't planning on posting a comic about this yet, but people have spammed me with the "ÆØÅ (Size Matters)" song so much that I thought I might as well post it now to let people know that yes, I have seen it.

(Before you click the link, know that the song isn't about who has the biggest alphabet in the world, but simply about the Norwegians desperately looking for something they have that's bigger than what USA has)


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark
28th of September

Multi Language

Multi Language

I was highly amused when an American told me he wanted to be more worldly by leaning languages and listed Irish as one of them. I know there's a few words that's different, but it still sounded funny.

EDIT: Okay so he probably meant Irish Gaelic, but then say Irish Gaelic. You'd be surprised by how little I know about languages so it helps to be specific. ;)


See more of Mexico America
14th of September

Drama Bear Returns

Drama Bear Returns

Remember Drama Bear?
It will keep causing drama for as long as it lives.

Sorry about all the one panel comics. I'm not feeling well and have a lot to do, so you'll have to put up with a few week more. Sorry again.


See more of Norway Bear
7th of September

Gangnam Style

Gangnam Style

Of course a joke about PSY's song "Gangnam Style"

America is a bit counfused about which song he's singing because of the number of Americans who call PSY the Korean LMFAO.


See more of South Korea North Korea Korea America
24th of August



Yes, another "Poles steal cars" joke.

But really, the rest of Europe practically use Polish workers as slaves, so does it surprise anyone if they get sick of it and choose to just run off with our stuff?


See more of Poland Denmark Sweden Norway Cars
17th of August