Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Page 55



The Hamlet joke that people have been asking for ever since I started making these comics.

There is of course the Danish prince Hamlet, who is the main character. Then there is the Norwegian prince Fortinbras, who first intends to invade Denmark, but then decides to target Poland instead. He then returns home and is made king of Denmark after Hamlet dies, which was Hamlet’s last request.

Poland just seems to be the go-to-guy if you want to abuse a country. :XD:

I got the photos from:
The skull
The sword
The car


See more of Denmark Norway Poland
15th of October

Australian Princess

Australian Princess

While drawing this a program about the royal wedding between the Danish crown prince Frederik and the Australian Mary started on TV. :)

Mary have become a very beloved princess in Denmark. Unlike the French guy our queen Margrethe married, Mary was very quick to learn Danish and she just overall seems like a really nice lady.

It may seem like a weird mix to have Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Netherlands together, that’s because those four royal families usually hang out together.

Denmark crying at the end is also a reference to the wedding, where prince Frederik started crying like baby. (And her father was wearing an awesome kilt!) :D


See more of Sweden Norway Denmark Netherlands Australia Sister Australia Sister Denmark Sister Norway Sister Sweden Sister Netherlands
11th of October
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Make a good impression

Make a good impression

The main reason why Åland isn’t too fond of Finland.

First off, mämmi looks like this and is a special Easter dish in Finland.

A myth goes that when Sweden and Finland were fighting over Åland (the Ålanders wanted to be part of Sweden, and weren’t satisfied with Finland offering them autonomous status) and they asked the League of Nations (It doesn't exist anymore, which is why I put King Europe in the comic instead) for help, it happened around Easter. The emissaries went to Finland for a meeting, and the Finns served them the traditional mämmi to make a good impression. When the emissaries saw what was on their plates they said, “If this is what they eat, they should at least have Åland” :XD:

The real reason was that a number of small islands are between Åland and Finland, and if you sail to Åland from Finland, you can at all times see land. That wasn’t the case with Sweden.

Oh, and Norway isn’t part of EU, which is why King Europe is bugging him. :D


See more of Sweden Aland Finland Norway Europe Denmark
10th of October

Girl's Night

Girl's Night

There’s no hidden political or historical joke here. This one is for a special Finnish friend of mine. You know who you are. ;)

Everything is of course pink because they’re at Sister Sweden’s house.

Also, I’m experimenting a bit with Sister Denmark's looks. I’m trying to find the right amount of boyish for her.


See more of Denmark Sweden Norway Iceland Finland Sister Sweden Sister Denmark Sister Norway Sister Finland Sister Iceland
8th of October

Swedish Politics

Swedish Politics

The political climate in Sweden. It sucks at the moment.

Time for an explanation. Sweden recently got a new party voted into parliament, Sverigedemokraterna. They are known as an extremely “immigrant suspicious” party, and having them in the parliament does not suit the Swedes who have always proudly proclaimed themselves to be the least racist Scandinavian country. Especially Denmark has been called the big racists of the North because of their party Dansk Folkeparti.

Sverigedemokraterna are often compared to Dansk Folkeparti, and therefore the Swedes goes back and forth between calling Sverigedemokraterna a Danish party, and a Nazi party.

That of course got the attention of the Danes, because they felt they were being called Nazis, so they followed the election closely, and when Sverigedemokraterna got voted in, the “MUWAHAHAHA!!! Who are the nazis now, bitches!!?!” from the Danes could be heard all the way to Greenland. :XD:

And it can still be heard whenever some Danish specialist in Swedish politics is on the news and have to explain what is going on. It’s so hilariously obvious that they are enjoying this chaos waaay too much. :XD:


See more of Sweden Scania Denmark Norway
6th of October
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National Personifications

National Personifications

(Download for full size)

First, let’s make this clear: I did not make any of these up. They are all old national personifications of countries that I just re-drew.

I wanted to see what they looked like next to each other.
From left to right:
Lady of the Mountains (Iceland)
Ola Nordmann (Norway)
Holger the Dane (Denmark)
Mother Svea (Sweden)
Finnish Maiden (Finland)
Adelita (Mexico)
Uncle Sam (USA)
Mother Canada (Canada)
Jock Tamson (Scotland)
Kathleen Ni Houlihan (Ireland)
John Bull (England)
Dame Wales (Wales)

I tried to give them individual personalities as I see them from their pictures. :)


See more of Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland Mexico America Canada Scotland Ireland England Wales
5th of October

The Original North America

The Original North America

A sort of follow up to the original Nordics

The original national personifications of the countries before Hetalia and SatW.

From left to right:
Adelita (Mexico)
Uncle Sam (USA)
Mother Canada (Canada)


See more of Mexico America Canada
4th of October

You say it best

You say it best

Warning! Sappy crap ahead!

Heh, I saw this Then I looked up the song and came across this version sung by Alison Krauss and well..

You should be ashamed of yourself, Miss Sweden! You are a disgrace to all sluts everywhere! D:<

I added the handcuffs so as not to make it too sappy. Besides, Finland is lying on his back, so he must be snoring like a motherfucker. :XD:


See more of Finland Sweden Sister Sweden
2nd of October

The Boogeyman Comes at Night

The Boogeyman Comes at Night

I rather like the idea of Russia going around to the countries that used to be part of him and try to convince them to come back when he’s drunk, scaring the shit out of them. :XD:

This is dedicated to Provass who draws so many weird and wonderful pictures of my characters. :D


See more of Russia Finland Halloween
2nd of October

No joints for children

No joints for children

I had no idea Freetown Christiania is considered a micronation. I thought they were just hippies living in their own little part of Copenhagen. :XD:

Micronations are places that someone has declared it’s own country or at least independent. Sealand is the best known one, while Christiania is usually considered the most legit one because Denmark allowed them to slag on a lot of rules about drugs and building sites, though lately the Danish state have forced them to be less liberal about drugs whish lead to a lot of conflicts.


See more of England Denmark Sealand Christiania
30th of September